Friday, August 1, 2008

Such a double standard

Well, Kirstynn was up last night but I don't care - It's Friday!!!

Thomas is going to see a Reckless Kelly concert in New Braunfels tonight for another guys night...
When is my night you ask? :) Good question. I am working on it. lol

Why is it always babysitting for the guys when the mom wants to go out, but just the way it is (they are my kids of course) when the guys go out.
Such a double standard.
And not one I am too fond of by the way.

Any good ideas to make it understood to the male population that us girls need some time out too... and not just with family or work... (not to diss the family and work, but as I said - friend time is priceless and babyfree friend time is a true precious gift).

I am reading this book called "Promise Not to Tell". It's sort of a ghost story about the potato girl. And it is really good. An easy read and I highly recommend it if you are looking for something to keep your attention. And one of the more believeable ghost stories I have read in a long time.

We are having Wingstop catered in for lunch (we are paying for it ourselves of course) but I am looking forward to it. I am also in charge of taking the large collection of money from our employees and going to buy school supplies for children in low income schools - a program called Stuff the Bus!
I love doing it and coming back with a truckload of every school supply you could ever think of. And by the way, if you are considering helping out with this, as they take donations at Walmart, they are more in need of supplies for high school students. Everyone always remembers the crayons and gluesticks for the pre-schoolers, but the protractors and binders etc for the older kids are always in short supply.

Have a great Friday.


Danni Springfield said...

I completely understand what you mean. I realized the other day that whenever my husband does a night feeding, I thank him and make a big deal about it. But no one evber thanks me... Ugh.

About the school supplies... from my experience as a high school teacher, they don't need protractors. Schools provide those. What they do need is Kleenex, loose-leaf paper, pencils, and backpacks. They never seem to have those! Also graphing calculators (TI 83 or TI 84) would be amazing to help them do homework, but probably too expensive.