Wednesday, April 22, 2009

3 pounds!

Well, this is week 4 of my 5am gym workouts and I think when I stepped on the scale today I lost a whole 3 pounds! Hey, it's not much but it is exactly what I needed to stay motivated. I have been eating so so so well and am just waiting for it to start melting away! I am on a serious mission. I told my Nana this on my way to church Sunday and she replied "give it up - you've had 2 kids... you'll never look like you used to"...
Thank you NANA! I hate being told that I cannot do something. It just straight up pisses me off. So, now its real. I will lose these 15 pounds. It's happening. I will be a skinny mom. Period.

My sister ended up not taking the job in Galveston after all! Yeah! Made my day and and I am glad she did what was best for her. Nothing is the world is worth it if you are miserable.

Addison slept through the night without going "pee" in her pull-up! She was thrilled and it was the first thing she mentioned when she woke up this morning. I am so proud. lol. But seriously, I told her if she could keep it up for a week straight, we'd let her try to go without them. Another milestone coming up....

7 days until the big 3-0. Yes, I'll be thirty. Another reason to get skinny. :)


Katie said...

congrats and happy early birthday!