Friday, December 12, 2008

Getting back to normal...

Well, thank goodness life is getting somewhat back to normal these days. Thomas is back home and getting stronger every day. He still cannot work or drive until after Christmas but at least the driving back and forth to the hospital days are over!

Kirstynn has another little cold. I love Christmastime and winter but the germs and runny noses are endless! She was up at 1 in the morning last night crying her little heart out because she wasn't feeling good. At least it is the weekend now so I don't have to worry about trying to get off of work.

I have to get Christmas shopping done this weekend. I have only attempted to get a few very small items for the girls. I still have everyone left to buy for. AND... Thomas cant be home alone with the girls and Addison is too old to take with me so... I haven't decided how I am going to do this. I thought about buying online but it just seems to take all the fun out of it. I might be forced to go there anyway. And good thing is my sister in law told me about some great deals so that might be worth it. Amazon has no taxes and free shipping if you buy a certain amount. It is sounding more and more appealing by the minute.

Jury duty for me on Monday. I'm not too thrilled but it should be better than last time. A few months ago I had to go for a different jurisdiction and was still pumping during the day and had to sit in the gross bathroom stall for twenty minutes while nursing. Glad those days are over! Heck, maybe I'll even get picked for a cool case!