Sorry I havent written in a little bit.
Since I removed my last few posts, I am struggling with what to write on this thing. I know everyone does, and I started out writing this as a way to track my kiddos progress since I am terrible at scrapbooking and baby books.
But then it turned into something bigger. A diary of sorts and sadly, a bit of an ego trip since there were strangers that actually cared what I was saying on here.... Heck, I even had people coming up to me at work saying that I missed my calling. That I should be writing for a living.
Now I know I am definitely not that good in reality, but the words made me want to look for important and interesting things to write about.
But that being said (as I always say), I am back to the basics. I never want to hurt anyone's feelings on this thing...
So, as for me, I got back Friday from 5 days in Charlotte, NC which was another professional success and a personal fail.
I have to say that for the most part, my husband did a much more awesome job of leaving the guilt quilt in the drawer and just being supportive. I am very very thankful. Thank you babe if you are reading this. I cannot relay enough how much it means to me.
AND this should be the last one until probably February. Whew....
Did I mention we are all coughing up lungs every five minutes now that I am home? Its awesome.