Monday, April 27, 2009

Started week 5 today!!! Whoo hoo! I haven't weighed myself again but my clothes feel looser! And that makes me extremely happy!!!

Did I write that I finally had my allergy testing done? They checked for 52 different allergens and poked me that many times as well. Good news is that I was actually only allergic to less than 10. Bad news is that those 10 are EVERYWHERE! I was allergic to all 4 types of house dust mites, cockroaches (I know.. I cannot believe that they tested for that either), feathers, mountain cedar, mesquite and dogs and cats.
I start allergy shots on Wednesday! I have to admit I am a little nervous about taking shots for 3 years but super excited to be able to go to family's homes at holidays etc without becoming super miserable.

Is anyone else out in blogger world a little nervous about this swine flu? There are so many Mexican nationals in San Antonio that it seems impossible that it won't start spreading here. And I am not too worried about the flu now as it seems pretty mild and not too worrisome. The scary part is if it starts to mutate or if it spreads too fast and the entire country ends up home sick.
I have to admit that my husband bought some face masks from Walmart this weekend and there was only 1 other box left on the shelf. Heck - I know we don't need them now but I don't want to be frantically trying to find them if we do.
Plus, I am debating with my need to look "cool" and wearing them on the plane to Vegas here in a few weeks if it is still a threat. The last thing I want to do is spend my vacation huddled up in a hotel room trying to fight a fever.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

3 pounds!

Well, this is week 4 of my 5am gym workouts and I think when I stepped on the scale today I lost a whole 3 pounds! Hey, it's not much but it is exactly what I needed to stay motivated. I have been eating so so so well and am just waiting for it to start melting away! I am on a serious mission. I told my Nana this on my way to church Sunday and she replied "give it up - you've had 2 kids... you'll never look like you used to"...
Thank you NANA! I hate being told that I cannot do something. It just straight up pisses me off. So, now its real. I will lose these 15 pounds. It's happening. I will be a skinny mom. Period.

My sister ended up not taking the job in Galveston after all! Yeah! Made my day and and I am glad she did what was best for her. Nothing is the world is worth it if you are miserable.

Addison slept through the night without going "pee" in her pull-up! She was thrilled and it was the first thing she mentioned when she woke up this morning. I am so proud. lol. But seriously, I told her if she could keep it up for a week straight, we'd let her try to go without them. Another milestone coming up....

7 days until the big 3-0. Yes, I'll be thirty. Another reason to get skinny. :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Boo Hoo....

So, it has been an eventful week or so… The most important and most disheartening is that my little sister (the love of my life behind my kids and my husband) might be leaving to take a job in Galveston. She was offered a job as a sales rep for Schlitterbahn and has been out of a job since being laid off in October. I am excited that she has been offered it and want her to succeed and will do all I can to support her, but darn it! I love my sister so much and she is my best friend and I am sad she won’t be around the corner! Its funny because a few years ago, I would have been pushing her for any reason to be “free” and get some experience away from the nest and gain some experiences. Children change you. Now that I have little ones that adore her; I just keep thinking how much my children will miss out on not having her around. She is the funniest, most loving, giving woman I know. Either way – I won’t tell her all of this and I know she doesn’t read my blog (she thinks I am nuts for posting my life plus she says she knows it all anyway) – so I will pour my heart out here and suck it up when I get out in front of her.

My kids both have colds….. AGAIN! Daycare is a permanent germ fest. And there is nothing I can do about it. And with the runny noses, fussiness and coughing in my face comes the pitter patter of little feet running into our room at 1am. Addison couldn’t sleep in our bed to save her life as a baby and even now as a kid, when she is well, she likes her room and sleeps best there. But as soon as that nose starts dripping, she’s with us. And why is it that they always sleep on top of the mommy?? So a little tired in the Donbavand house but hopefully it will be short-lived.

I am still going to the gym. Just finished my third week but am not seeing any weight lost. I say that but I refuse to step on the scale. I am just waiting for my clothes to fit looser. Hopefully this will change soon or I am going to start getting discouraged. I am working on having slim fast for lunch and eating regular dinners and a light breakfast. This is the end of week one for that so I am giving this a full 2 months before I even think about giving up! Again – I got some great menu tips that I have been working on but if you have any more for me – I’ll take it!

Monday, April 13, 2009



Easter was a success and the kids had a blast! Post more later but here are some pictures!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday...

Whew… Good Friday is here and I am trying to take a moment to reflect on all that I have to be thankful for. And there is quite a bit!

This weekend the Easter Bunny visits our house and I am embarrassed to say that I literally spent over $100 on stuff for the girls yesterday. First of all – it was all at Target so its not like I was getting them I-phones and Jimmy Choo shoes, but all the little things add up. They had the cutest little baskets so of course I had to buy news one and then I bought the fun little toys and some limited bunny candy, but then thought to myself…. (why not let the Easter Bunny as take credit for getting stuff I really need to buy them anyway?). So in went new bathing suits, sunglasses, matching short sets, new baby utensils for Kirstynn etc etc. I am positive when I was their age, Easter was not this expensive… lol. Next year, maybe I should step it down even further and run over to Dollar Tree. Ha ha

I finished week 2 at the gym and my workout partner went out of town for Easter today so I am going to run at lunch. Weird but I kind of miss the running and being outside. The weights are so important and necessary if the weight loss is really going to happen but a nice 3 mile job in beautiful weather actually sounds GOOD. Nice! Looking forward to that at lunch.

Kirstynn had found a new favorite pastime – feeding, kissing and burping her little baby doll. I have to say that it is adorable and amazing that even at that young age, little girls enjoy the role of playing the mommy. They are both getting so grow up! Daddy is home with them today and they are going on an adventure somewhere. He was thinking Brackenridge park to do the merry go round and the train. I'm so jealous.

On the down side, my sister is interviewing for a job in Galveston and she has never lived away from home and it brings tears to my eyes just thinking she may not be around. I just take for granted that I can almost always call her and she’ll be there. I know I should be happy for her and I am but still, secretly I am terrified she’ll go and I will lose my best friend…..

On a better note,– my mom just bought us tickets to see Wicked and I terribly excited. We are going to make a date out of it and I see margaritas at Acenar afterwards. Yes, I definitely see that.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend Update

So, I can honestly say that I have never been so sore in my entire life. Saturday morning, I was on the verge of taking a prescription narcotic to fight off the muscle pain I was fighting from my first workout week. I usually say that I love being sore because you know you have worked hard, but wow. This was painful. I couldn’t even roll over to the other side without truly moaning in pain. Sad, I know.
I did, however, still get my fat butt up out of bed this morning at 5:30am and started week 2 of my workout plan! I am very excited and tomorrow is 5:15am spin class! Whoppee!

So, sometime on Saturday Kirstynn just “got it”. It is funny. They can know how to walk for close to a month and almost refuse to use their new talent and then one day – boom! They get the confidence and realize they can do it. She was off and only walked all weekend. It kid of made me sad though because once they start walking it is hard to even fool yourself into believing that they are babies anymore. I read all of these blogs of friends and relatives with new babies and sleepless nights and colic and when you are in it, it seems so hard and frustrating, but now looking at them I almost feel jealous.

The girls had their cousins over from both side at different times on Saturday too and had a blast. During the day, the boys came over and ran through sprinklers and ate popcorn and watched movies and had a blast. I love a house full of kids. I think the mommy part is my calling. If only I could do it full time. I think I’d be more fulfilled. I don’t get to see my sister-in-laws kids as much as I would like so it was really nice to have some alone time with them. Then my Aunt Donna and her 2 girls came over and Addison got another fun evening playing with her cool big-kid girl cousins and she talked them into spending the night at Nana’s! I was skeptical but she ended up doing great and had a blast! And Kirstynn slept until 9am (13 hours) that night so we got to sleep in. BIG bonus!

This week is preparation for Easter. I am so behind and need to spend a little time on Jesus and get prioritized.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Week one down..... infinity and beyond to go....


Well, I did all 4 of my days at the gym and today I cannot barely move. I am soooo sore. But am so proud of myself for getting up and working hard!

It's awesome.

Hopefully next week I wont hurt so much and the muscle will start building and I will start feeling skinnier. :)

I am off to take Kiki to the doctor this afternoon because she has been screaming the last few days and I cannot tell if it is from us spoiling her and her throwing temper tantrums or if she still has a little bit of a leftover ear infection.

I guess we are going to find out very soon!

Here are some pictures and they are both of Kirstynn and both of her looking like she is ready to kick my butt.